Tuesday, April 20, 2010

last nite and 2day

WOW!! last night and 2day God did some really awesome stuff in my life. I went to the Ember Days/Ester Lyn concert (another guy sang...agh cant remember his name right now!). At ember days as jason and janell sang, i felt this childlikenes and this hunger for God stir up in me...deep weeping from the inside began to come out of me...healing and hunger mixed...the Presence of God showed up! Then the band Ester Lyn began to talk about a chinese orphan and orphans all around the world, and Josh and I were weeping...God began to stir up in us a supernatural compassion for the poor, children and the hurting. as this was happening, we had been dancing with a bunch of little kids by the stage. It was so beautiful!!! God's saying He's making us more childlike in worship. Also, we're going to be working with kids alot. In the concert, a little girl got healed of knee problem and some people who had unforgiveness got freedom. PTL!

Then this afternoon, HEIDI BakeR spoke at our school, bethel, to us the first year students. It was so powerful. What God had started in me (the deep weeping and stuff) continued during worship today and throughout her message. She said angels were coming in the room giving us blueprints for our destiny. At the same time, Josh and I knew we were going home after 1st year and God was going to begin to launch us into our destiny!! I was weeping on the floor as He showed me this and saw a scroll which the angel handed to me.

Then, the whole message was on John 15, about how God wants us to spend more time with Him--it is ONLY out of intimacy with Him that we are fruitful! If satan cant get us to fall morally, he will try to get us too busy for intimacy with God until were sick of doing ministry and turn and go the wrong way. This is SOOO basic yet SOO true!
She talked about how Gods wants people to be married to one person all their lives (God hates divorce, adultery etc!!!! YUCK!). God wants people not just in signs and wonders but character. She also said God is uniting the body of Christ, people from many different denominations etc God wants to bring together....

Also, she said God is a good father and wants to give us big things. So we need to ASK BIIIIGGGG!!!!! She said she asked for a nation and God gave it to her...she asked to be the most loving wife and mother on the planet...what are you asking for???

Then she had us all pray for each other, for whatever destiny was on our lives. i am called to media stuff,partly, like writing, music, etc so people pr'yd for me and i was crying again...totally wrecked by God and the incredible plan he has on me. then she had all the people who were called to the poor orphans, missions, etc. to kneel. josh and i did...once again weeping. God is doing so much in us and imparting so much to us! I just love HIM and all I wanna do is glorify Him with my life and live to KNOW and BE KNOWN by HIM, growing in love, power, character, and glory!!!

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